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Nazar's is Open for Business!

Nazar, a largish half-orc, learned long ago that an open smile and warm greeting went a long way. With a little trepidation and a lot of excitement he began his journey with his first wagon of trade goods pulled by his trusted auroch Noabul. He heads to a neighboring town where he's heard about the many travelers that pass through. There he hopes to make his name and whatever else the future holds for him.

In Marritiros, strangers area common sight to the local townsfolk. Of those Nzazar passes as he makes his way over the first bridge into the market circle, many take note, with some even nodding a "Hello". Others even openly greet him. Once across the bridge, he is stopped by a man in bright orange silks with many scrolls packed into a bag on his back. "Woah! Do you have any documents for these products for proof of rights to sell?" With a smirk hidden by Nazar's blue shemagh, he pulls out an envelope with two papers inside. After the official checks all is good he hands back the papers, nods to a guard, and leaves Nazar for his small desk under the cover of a buildings overhang.

Nazar then leads his auroch and wagon over to an emply plot in the circle and takes the harness off, freeing the auroch of it's burden. Before he could even note where to take and stable his companion, a young girl came springing over, or at least that's what he thought at first glance. A pint sized halfling was on her way over with her own set of reins and a big smile. "Hey there sir! Must be ready to make some money? Well if you've got any to spare, I have a pen ready with feed and water for the next patron to pay."

"Well wouldn't it be smart of a solivagant to show up with no money to lose? Take good care of Noabul." He hands her a gold piece and watches as she only just whistles and the mountain of fur turns and follows.

Now time to set up, Nazar puts out his crates and sets up a couple boards accross. In the boards, he has carved squares of near equal size. From another create he pulls out tiny figures, smaller than his hand. They fit nicely into each square. Finally he sets up a smaller banner with a blue, black, and white logo.


The map is one of my first attempts and choosing a style of map making for the Nazar's Fantasy Market Brand and is of the town Marritiros. There will be a later redrawing!

Welcome to my shop and Nazar's story! #Nazarsstory #Worldbuilding #Storytime

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